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Bo Ayars
Posts: 45
Joined: Mon Jan 22, 2007 4:00 pm

Post by Bo Ayars » Sun Feb 13, 2011 5:11 pm

Got the weird problem happening again. I'm working on something. I want to input a note, either with my MIDI keyboard or with the cursor. I click on the bar, select a note value and hit, let's say, a "C" on my mac keyboard. (No, it's not a keyboard problem). The cursor changes color as always, but the note never appears. The "beach ball" begins to whirl. I hit the Esc. key. Nothing. I hit it several times. Nothing. The beach ball continues to whirl. The cursor stays "colored", and suddenly, "C"s begin appearing automatically, with the same note value I selected, continually. Bars are added, on and on. I hit the Esc key again. Nothing. I can't stop it. I can't even quit the program. I have to go into the "Forced Quite" and "kill" Sibelius from there. It shows that Sibelius is "not responding." This happens more often when I start up Sibelius than when I've been working for awhile. Again, I know it isn't my keyboard. I'm using 6.2.0 Build 88 Audio Engine v1.015S. This is really getting serious. Oh, I'm on an iMac 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, with 1.5 GB of ram. Thanks in advance for any suggestions...

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