Keyboard fingering with grace notes

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Post by mikel8 » Tue Nov 15, 2022 5:36 pm

No news yet about this subject?
For now it is impossible to keep the fingering digit over a grace note when refreshing the positions, even after a "Position lock" in "Layout" tab.
Grace fingering always remains locked to the master note (you could test it by "Handles" in "View" tab). So, if you refresh the score or the bar, the fingering digit migrates above (or below) the master note.
Frustrating indeed

Another (little) prayer, concerning the tab "View" of the ribbon.
There are many items you can set "Hide" or "Show"; well, if you need to check more then only one item, you have to re-open every time the pop menu "Unvisible (I'm using the itailan version)".
Would it be possible to lock the pop menu so that you can check/uncheck multiple items, and close it only at the end? It would be nice

Just to conclude: about slurs and ties in staff crossing keyboard notation. Is it really so impossible to fix this awful bug?
Best wishes
Screenshot 2022-11-15 alle 18.16.24.png
Screenshot 2022-11-15 alle 18.16.24.png (198.95 KiB) Viewed 4040 times

Posts: 400
Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:22 am
Sibelius Version: 6.2, 7.5
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Post by KJ_Palmer » Fri Nov 18, 2022 8:45 am

It's unlikely that anyone from Sibelius or Avid will read this, so probably best to address these issues to the official Sibelius forum / help center: ... &groupid=3

It may or may not get prioritised, but worth a shot. Unless someone else here has the answers...
Sibelius 6.2, 7.5.1, Windows 11

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