Cross staff notation... multiple time signatures...

Discussion of converting to Sibelius from Finale.
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Post by ysilver » Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:11 am

I am really disappointed in the Sibelius 7 demo I just downloaded. I am a Finale user and really want to move to Sibelius because I believe it is superior in most respects, especially the UI, which in Finale seems to be stuck way back there in the 90s.
But I have one feature that I use quite a lot in my music that Sibelius does not have. Namely, the ability to enter a chord on one staff and then divide its constituent notes between two staffs, keeping the same stem. Sibelius lets you cross staff single notes but whenever you select a single note from a chord and press Cmd+Shift+Down/Up it moves the whole chord.
Finale has had that feature way back from version 3 and maybe even before.
Same deal with time signatures like "2/4+3/8", which to produce in Sibelius requires a Phd in physics, and which in Finale is as simple as creating a 4/4 signature.
These features are much used by me (and a lot of other contemporary musicians). Are they ever going to come to Sibelius?
They are all that is missing for me to convert for ever!

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Post by ysilver » Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:29 pm

I know this workaround, but if like me you use this method a lot, it can become extremely long and tedious.
Sticking to Finale for now, in hope that this will be dealt with some time soon...

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Post by filfil » Sun Nov 16, 2014 5:17 pm

I have the same problem. I can't see the answer to ysilver, why?

Last edited by filfil on Thu Nov 20, 2014 12:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by ysilver » Sun Nov 16, 2014 5:29 pm

I can't see it either now... weird...
Anyway, the if I remember correctly, the "workaround" consisted of writing each note of the split chord on it's respective staff and then stretching the stem from one staff to another.
But as I replied above, this is a nightmare if your whole score is full of cross-staff split chords, and Sibelius doesn't have a true answer to this (and probably never will as I understand 7.5 is going to be the final version ever).

I am eagerly waiting for the ex-Sibelius guys at Steinberg to finish their work on the new scoring application - looks like it's finally going to bring software scoring into the current century...

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Sibelius Version: 7.1.3 and 6.2
Operating System: Windows

Post by andyg » Sun Nov 16, 2014 7:02 pm

Who says it's the last version ever? Certainly not Sibelius/Avid.

What Daniel and his team come up with is going to be very interesting though - and no doubt quite a learning curve for all of us that make the switch!

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