font for text editor: bars and circles plus relative heights

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Joined: Mon Sep 18, 2023 10:09 pm
Sibelius Version: 8

Post by notTHATguy » Mon Sep 18, 2023 10:18 pm


I teach music in a primary school. In grade 1+2 we don't use straight music notation. Instead we first establish rhythms via longer/shorter bars (half note = bar twice the length of a quarter note/circle). And the higher the symbol, the higher the note. While I sometimes try to use Sibelius, it's often too much. Usually I just need two bars of lines/dots in my word processor.

Does anyone know a font that would let me draw something like this:
Noten Begleitung für AB.jpeg
Noten Begleitung für AB.jpeg (37.35 KiB) Viewed 45898 times
I thought maybe SmuFl/Bravura Text had some options for clusters. But of course clusters are drawn vertically while I need them horizontally. Ideally the font would provide a way to have high and low notes but this could also be faked with copious amounts of tables.

Thanks for any suggestions!

Kind regards

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