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Timpani Glissando

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2021 6:31 pm
by baton999
Hello - Haven't seen this topic discussed. I've written a dramatic timpani solo over several bars. The entire passage is played tremolo over the entire passage. While playing the first lower note, I want the player to glissando up a fifth, continue the tremolo,, then glissando back down a fifth. Oooh, dramatic! :D

I've written it with dotted half notes (it's in ¾). The first glissando is fine, but the note at the end of the glissando, though marked tremolo, is played once. This higher note, also a dotted half note, has a glissando back down to the lower note. This 2nd glissando doesn't play at all, even when I start the playback on that higher note. It's as if the first upward glissando negates whatever follows. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance...
