Hand claps echo
I have just used hand claps for the first time. When I put three semi-quaver claps together, I get about 5 echoes, each less loud than the previous. I have tried reducing playback volume, but that doesn't seem to help. Has anyone experienced this, or have any suggestions? Thanks.
You could try altering reverb and/or chorus in the mixer.
Sib 6.2, 7.5 and 2024.8.1, Windows 11, 32GB RAM, 16TB 7200RPM Storage, 2TB SSD, Note Performer 4, EWQLSO, EWQLSC, Harmony Assistant and some others. mike@mike-lyons.co.uk
Thanks Mike, but that didn't make any difference. The context is that for choir rehearsal tracks I prefer to use piano rather than voice. The singing is interspersed with claps (but not at the same time for all parts), and so I am changing from piano to hand claps and back again in the same stave.
I would never recommend having a tuned (piano) and untuned (hand claps) instrument on the same staff. It gives you less control.
Having said that, there is no guarantee that it can be altered. Sometimes the samples are the samples...
Having said that, there is no guarantee that it can be altered. Sometimes the samples are the samples...
Sib 6.2, 7.5 and 2024.8.1, Windows 11, 32GB RAM, 16TB 7200RPM Storage, 2TB SSD, Note Performer 4, EWQLSO, EWQLSC, Harmony Assistant and some others. mike@mike-lyons.co.uk