Hi new user here, have downloaded both Sibelius Demo and PhotoScore Demo. Need to scan exiting printed pdf's to edit in Sibelius.
The Import/PhotoScore button is available and it opens PhotoScore, I can scan and make corrections, but I cannot seem to Send to Sibelius. The toolbar button and File dropdown menu in PhotoScore are greyed out.
Neutratron Help Desk said that as long as both of these programs are Demo's this function should work, but not dice here.
Sibelius Ultimate Demo is only letting me start up in Sibelius First fyi. Separtate thread about that in Sibelius section.
Ideas anyone please?
Sibelius Demo 24.6
PhotoScore Ultimate Demo 9.0.2
Mac OS 10.15.7
MacBook Pro i7 Quad 2012
Send to Sibelius greyed out
Believe it or not, you can open photoscore's .opt files directly in sibelius. Of course, that would depend on you being able to save those files. You can registeryour copy of sib first and get back its functionality, but I'm not sure about the photoscore.
Sib 6.2, 7.5 and 2024.8.1, Windows 11, 32GB RAM, 16TB 7200RPM Storage, 2TB SSD, Note Performer 4, EWQLSO, EWQLSC, Harmony Assistant and some others. mike@mike-lyons.co.uk
I believe they changed the system some while ago. It is, AFAIK, possible to use avid link to register your copy of sib first. You will only have first's limited functionality, but it should allow you to save, at least.
Sib 6.2, 7.5 and 2024.8.1, Windows 11, 32GB RAM, 16TB 7200RPM Storage, 2TB SSD, Note Performer 4, EWQLSO, EWQLSC, Harmony Assistant and some others. mike@mike-lyons.co.uk