Adding a "Question Answered" Variable

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Post by ConnorGBrown » Tue Jun 01, 2021 4:47 pm


I've used these forums to get help sorting out various issues that've come up inside Sibelius, but it seems that posts die out after a reply or two; perhaps people see that it has been replied to and then assume it is resolved.

It would be nice to have a feature allowing a "Question Answered" checkbox. That way, people could see immediately whether the issue brought up in the post had been resolved. This could limit the amount of times that questions get unhelpful answers, which tends to stop other people from giving answers of their own.

- Connor
Connor G. Brown

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Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2016 7:20 pm
Sibelius Version: Ult. 2024.3.1/7.5
Operating System: Windows

Post by MikeLyons » Wed Jun 02, 2021 8:00 am

If there was anyone left here who was an administrator, we might be able to get a feature like that. However, this forum is donkeys' years old and has no connection with Avid. There are, probably, only 2 or 3 people actively answering questions here and neither of us is in that august position. We're just users like yourself. We're probably flogging a dead horse here, but we were amongst the first people to join here and are refusing to let it die altogether.

If you want an 'official' Avid forum, go to here: ... &groupid=3

BTW, they don't have one either.
Sib 6.2, 7.5 and 2024.3.1, Windows 11, 32GB RAM, 16TB 7200RPM Storage, 2TB SSD, Note Performer 4, EWQLSO, EWQLSC, Harmony Assistant and some others.

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Post by andyg » Thu Jun 03, 2021 1:01 pm

About a zillion years ago (it seems like) an Admin did ask me (and no doubt some others) to help run the website. However, I could see that it was already on the long slow spiral downwards and I declined. I already Admin and Moderate other groups anyway and my time is not infinite. Not seen or heard of an Admin since then.

As Mike said, we've been on here forever. I've threatened to pack it in several times but somehow it's remained in my shortcuts! :D

Posts: 1714
Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2016 7:20 pm
Sibelius Version: Ult. 2024.3.1/7.5
Operating System: Windows

Post by MikeLyons » Thu Jun 03, 2021 8:27 pm

I feel ya, Bro!
:D :D :D
Sib 6.2, 7.5 and 2024.3.1, Windows 11, 32GB RAM, 16TB 7200RPM Storage, 2TB SSD, Note Performer 4, EWQLSO, EWQLSC, Harmony Assistant and some others.

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